漢光操演傳造假 高階將領踢爆 漢光操演傳造假 高階將領踢爆 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090511/8/1ja6w.html Like Chinese said "Lie.Swall.10.Fail.Jer.Ben.10.10.Fail.Re seon", military member must not be allowed to act like stupid bad ulgy evil civilians or politicians 裝潢come out to rely on "Call.Drew.B.What", military member must always rely on his guns, that so called 高階將領 cannot 膠原蛋白have honest guts, best sniper skill to rely on his own guns to kill all liars under his watch or above his eyes, cannot have the good will a 景觀設計nd strength to keep silent nice like honest coward, he must be killed and go to hells immediately. General cannot have right to kill any honest coward (Becaus 酒店經紀e good General can always find a way to help honest coward to overcome his fear to grow up stronger and stronger, fearless man cannot be brave, only coward man can have the good will an 酒店兼職d strength to overcome his fear can grow mankind tall.), yet must have to do his duty to kill liars-evil doers (Because liars-evil doers not only out of our True God sight, but also out of best Teacher 節能燈具Confucius's formless taught.) dare show up in front of his eyes. 立委痛批國軍演習像在演戲,不如別演了。http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090511/8/1ja6w.html 立委 has no right to have a say in military affairs, just 西裝like your President must have no right to have a say about military links. Your law makers or your President dare shamelessly selfishly lawlessly Godlessly to matter military business, your law makers or your President must have to die for their 宜蘭民宿 own words.國軍演習像在演戲? Less evil than you stupid bad ugly evil 立委 and President lack of moral value and integrity worse than real 戲子.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 房地產  .

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